Friday, May 4, 2007

Sailing back to the origin

As the Dragon flies back to the land of its forefathers, China, he began to discover many things; some are interesting sights to behold, others are a beauty to its eyes. Sleeping Dragon began to discover that there are many tiring feet in this vast land and anywhere to shut eyes is welcome.

Not only tiring feet but hungry stomach. Anywhere and anything to cook a meal is welcome as the people needs to draw strength to find a living.

As he continue to sail thru this land, he also discover other interesting objects.

The Dragon couldn't believe his eyes and started to wonder what has this land of his forefathers has become. Dtermined, he continue his journey to find what he believes in, that people of the unique sex have unique outfit that pleases the eyes.

And lo and behold , he sailed into a fashion gala and saw things that pleases the eyes.

My, this is what I know of this land.

As nite falls, Sleeping Dragon will now have to find a place to shut eyes and go to zzzzzzzz............

1 comment:

Hammerhead said...

I lurrrve the gals ....Yeaaah!